Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Three Layer Cake

Hey again!

So in my first post I showed a picture of the three layered cake I made for a friends birthday, in this post I'm just going to focus on the cake and the icing. So I made a promise to my friend that instead of a present I would make her a cake - I chose the character and all that jazz (and the size no one was expecting it to be massive hahaha) 
The GIR cake cut up and ready to serve.

For the inside of the cake I used 6 sheet cakes - so two for each layer - and 2 different cake recipes. 

             - Red Velvet Cake
             - Vanilla Bean Cake

So instead of writing the recipe down as I did for the last post, I'm just going to post the links to these wonderful recipes at the end of the post :)

In between the cakes and the cakes and icing, is a thin layer of buttercream icing (recipes can be found anywhere on the internet) and the icing on top creating the eyes and skin of GIR is a marshmallow fondant (I'll post the link to the recipe at the end of the post)

Tips and Tricks - Fondant
With the fondant, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty when kneading the marshmallow fondant together and when she mentions vegetable shortening, don't go straight for copha butter (for australians) go to a specialist baking or cooking store (such as How to Cook on the Sunshine Coast) and they will more than likely have vegetable shortening that will stop the marshmallow from sticking to the bench top.

Set the timer for the cakes to 5 minutes before it is due as every oven is different in some aspect but usually it works for most recipes especially if the oven is at the right heat once you've put the cakes in. Also don't over crowd each shelf in the oven as it changes the heat of the oven and they don't cook as evenly. So a max of two trays per oven.

Enjoy!! :)

Red Velvet Cake:
Vanilla Cake:
Marshmallow Fondant: